Processing a Gather request

Before a Gather request is delivered to the taxpayer, it must be uploaded and processed. The steps below outline how to upload, process, edit, and deliver a Gather request.

Upload Gather Request
  1. Navigate to Send in the left panel.  
    • This is where In Process items appear. 
  2. Click Single for the type.  
  3. Click New Gather
  4. Select a saved Template OR
  5. Select the Task Options you would like to include in the request. 
  6. Click Get Started
  7. Drag the Organizer PDF or click Choose File to upload the organizer. 
  8. Select the Tax Software, Engagement Type, and Tax Year
  9. Click Submit. 

Upload single Org- step 1-6.png

Upload single org- step 7-9.png
Client Information 

The Client Information section displays the client, taxpayer, and spouse information. 

  1. Fill or edit the Client Information section. 
    • Use the Client Search to locate a client from Client Management
    • Engagement Type cannot be edited if there is an Organizer included with the request. 
  2. Enter Taxpayer Information.
    • Email for the taxpayer is required.
      • The email is not required for the Spouse. The Taxpayer will have the option to add the spouse's email for signing or review. 
    • Mobile number and country code are not required. This is only applicable if your firm has MFA enabled. View Multi-Factor Authentication for Taxpayers for more information. 
  3. Click the Deceased checkbox to mark the spouse or taxpayer as deceased.
  4. Check Add Additional Taxpayer if a spouse needs to be added.
  5. Click Next. 

Process- Client Information.png

Organizer Section

The Organizers section displays all pages in the Organizer PDF. 

  1. Use the arrows to navigate through each page. 
  2. Filter by Bookmark type.
    • Any unchecked form type will be moved to Deleted section. 
  3. Click any Bookmark to view that page. 
  4. Toggle Required Signature to On to add signature controls to the page (feature is not available for batch Gather requests). 
    1. Drag/drop a Signature Block onto the selected page.
      • The block will be assigned to the selected taxpayer from the drop-down. 
      • See the Placing Checkboxes and Radio Buttons guide for specific instructions related to those features. 
    2. Select or de-select the Required checkbox for added Signature Field blocks. 
    3. Click Save
  5. Check Deliver without Fillable Organizers to send the Gather request without the fillable organizer. 

Process- Organizer.png


Deleted Section

  • All deleted documents will be moved here. Click on the Re-do icon to move back into the Bookmarks section.

Process- Move from deleted.jpg

E-Sign Documents Section

The E-Sign section displays the Engagement Letter and allows you to add any additional documents needed for E-Sign. Taxpayer and spouse signature blocks need to be added to the page.


Any signature block option, like a Name or Initials field, are required on the taxpayer side, even if the Signature is not marked as required. 

  1. Click Add Documents to upload additional documents that need to be signed. 
    • This step is not required if engagement letters are already present in the tab. 
  2. Click an Engagement Letter bookmark OR select the Arrows to locate the page where you will place the signature blocks. 
  3. Click the Signer drop-down to select the taxpayer or spouse (if applicable).
    • Signature blocks associated with the selected signer are highlighted in yellow. 
  4. Drag/drop any signature block onto the selected page.

Process- E-Sign documents.png


By default, Signature Fields are marked as required. Once the field is placed on the page, a prompt appears that allows you to change this setting.

  1. Click on the Signature field to open the Signature Settings. 
  2. Select/ De-select the checkbox to your preference.
  3. Click Yes

Signature settings- Required.png

Custom Questions Section

See the Custom Questions article for more information about setting up custom questions.

  1. Select the Choose Template drop-down to apply the template type. 
  2. Click the Remove icon next to each section you need to delete. 
    • Removing a section removes all questions within that section.
  3. Click the Remove icon next to each question you need to delete. 

Process- Custom Quest..png

Request Documents

Document types appear here that were automatically generated from the organizer. We recommend you look over the list and remove/add the document types as needed.

  1. Click Remove for each document you do not need to request.
  2. Click Delete All to remove all requested document types. 
  3. Click Add Documents to manually add new document types. 
  4. Check Use a template to disable the generated list and use your own template that is pulled from the DRL templates in Exchange. View Document Request List Overview for more information on how these are managed. 

In Process- Request Documents.png

Delivery Options Section

The Delivery Options section is used to review and edit the default settings before the request is delivered. 

Taxpayer Dashboard

  1. Click the Contact Person drop-down to select who is listed as the firm contact for the taxpayer. 
  2. Click the Message Template drop-down to select a pre-made template to apply. See the Settings: Saved Messages article for more information. 
  3. Click New to create a new Message from Preparer
  4. Click Edit to edit the existing Message from Preparer (setting must be enabled by an administrator under Settings >Saved Messages). 

In process TP Dashboard.png

Email Notifications 

Click the drop down field to change the user assigned to the email notification. Multiple users can be selected to receive notifications. 

  1. Sender Name is the name that appears on emails sent to the taxpayer. 
  2. Engagement Letters is the user who will be notified when the engagement letter is completed. 
  3. Completed Organizers is the user who will be notified when the organizer is completed. 
  4. Uploaded Files is the user who will be notified when the taxpayer uploads documents. 

In Process- Email Notifications.png


  1. Toggle the Signing reminder button to enable or disable signing reminders. 
    • Click the Send a reminder every. . . drop-down to select how often signing reminders are sent to the taxpayer. 
  2. Toggle the Organizers reminder button to enable or disable organizer reminders. 
    • Click the Send a reminder every. . . drop-down to select how often organizer reminders are sent to the taxpayer. 

In process-  Reminders.png

Finish Processing
  1. Click Finish.
  2. Select to have the Taxpayer or Spouse sign first.  
    • Please Note: If both Taxpayer and Spouse emails are entered in the Client Info section, the initial email will be delivered simultaneously. 
  3. Click Deliver without Fillable Organizers to remove the organizer from the client experience (optional). 
  4. Click Send to deliver. 

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