Settings: Client Instructions

Users can customize messages and instructions that the taxpayer sees as they make their way through the Gather request. Default messaging is provided for each section.

Please note:

Only System Administrators have access to the Settings section.

Access Client Instructions

  1. Click Settings in the left panel.
  2. Click Client Instructions.

Client Instructions.png

Client Instructions Overview


Whichever message is marked as the Default is sent to all recipients. These templates cannot be selected on a single request basis. 

  1. The section headers state what Instruction type the settings are for. 
  2. View a list of all current messages that have been saved, listed by name.
  3. Click the Add button to add additional messages to that section.
  4. Preview a message by clicking on the name of template.
  5. Click Edit to make any needed changes to an existing template.
  6. Select the Reminder drop down to choose what reminder type you want to view/edit. 

Client Instructions Overview.png

Add/Edit Instructions

  1. Click the Add or Edit button to open the editing window. 
    • Note: For Reminders select which reminder message to view/edit first. 
  2. Enter the Name of the message.  
  3. Enter the Subject of the message.
  4. Enter the Text in the body of the message.
    • Note: Name, Subject, and Text are required fields in order for the instruction to be saved. 
  5. Click Variable List to see bracketed variables that users can add to the Subject or Text to personalize the message.
  6. Check Set as Default to make the instruction the default.
  7. Click Save.

Client Instructions- Add and edit.png

Message Descriptions 

Message Description
Initial Email This is the first message sent to the client when the Gather request is delivered.
Engagement Letter Reminder This email is sent to the client reminding them to sign their engagement letter. The default message is delivered for automated and manually delivered reminders. 
Tax Organizer Reminder This email is sent to the client reminding them to fill their organizer. The default message is delivered for automated and manually delivered reminders. 
Source Document Reminder This email is sent to the client reminding them to upload their source documents. The default message is delivered for manually delivered reminders; source document reminders are not automated. 
Download Engagement Letter This email is sent to the client when the engagement letter is ready for download (all parties have signed). 
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