Administrators, Partners, and Staff have access to Gather by default. For other users, their permissions must be updated to include Gather.
Please note:
Only System Administrators have access to the Account Management and User Management sections.
To edit users in bulk, see our User Management: Bulk Import or Edit Users article.
Create a Custom User Group
- Click the Navigation Widget in the top right corner.
- Select Account Management.
- A new tab opens.
- A new tab opens.
- Select User Management.
- Click the User Groups tab.
- Click Add User Group.
- Add the Name of the group.
- Add Description.
- This can be a general description of what roles this group will have.
- There is a character limit of 100 for this field.
- Select the Roles to be applied to the group.
- Select one or more Gather permissions for the group.
- See our Role-Based Access Chart article for more information about these options.
- Select Add Group.
Add Users to the Group
- Click the Navigation Widget in the top right corner.
- Select Account Management.
- A new tab opens.
- A new tab opens.
- Click User Management.
- Click Edit in the Actions menu of the user to be updated.
- Select the User Group you created for Gather.
- Click Update to save any changes made.
Related Articles
Role Based Access Controls Permission Chart
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