User Permissions for Gather

Administrators, Partners, and Staff have access to Gather by default. For other users, their permissions must be updated to include Gather. 

Please note:

Only System Administrators have access to the Account Management and User Management sections.

To edit users in bulk, see our User Management: Bulk Import or Edit Users article. 

Create a Custom User Group

  1. Click the Navigation Widget in the top right corner.
  2. Select Account Management
    • A new tab opens.Account Management.png
  3. Select User Management.
  4. Click the User Groups tab. 
  5. Click Add User Group.
  6. Add the Name of the group. 
  7. Add Description.
    • This can be a general description of what roles this group will have.
    • There is a character limit of 100 for this field.
  8. Select the Roles to be applied to the group.
    • Select one or more Gather permissions for the group. 
    • See our Role-Based Access Chart article for more information about these options. 
  9. Select Add Group.

Add Users to the Group

  1. Click the Navigation Widget in the top right corner.
  2. Select Account Management
    • A new tab opens.Account Management.png
  3. Click User Management
  4. Click Edit in the Actions menu of the user to be updated. 
  5. Select the User Group you created for Gather. 
  6. Click Update to save any changes made.

Related Articles

Role Based Access Control FAQ

Role Based Access Controls Permission Chart

Account Management: User Management 

User Management: Bulk Import or Edit Users

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