CCH® ProSystem fx® Best Practices for Printing Organizers for Gather

This article contains information about using CCH® ProSystem fx® organizers with Gather. Follow these guidelines for an optimal experience. For information on how to prepare batch organizers, see Uploading Batch Gather Requests.

Engagement letters

  • Include engagement letters in your CCH® ProSystem fx® organizer so that they transfer into Gather.

Print options


  • When printing your CCH® ProSystem fx® organizer, always set the Destination dropdown to PDF File to make sure bookmarks are properly generated.

Batch processing

  • To use batch processing, organizer file names should be in named by Client name:

    YYI_<Last name>_<First Initial>_Organizer_V#_<ClientID>
    Example: 15I_Smith_J_Organizer_V1_ABC123



  • Do not customize the questionnaire. Use the default questionnaire in CCH® ProSystem fx®.

Social Security Numbers

  • We recommend suppressing social security numbers when outputting a CCH® ProSystem fx® organizer.

CCH ProSystem fx® reference documents

The following documents contain additional information about CCH® ProSystem fx® and are hosted in the CCH® Knowledge Base.


The content linked below is created and maintained by Wolters Kluwer®, makers of CCH® ProSystem fx®. If you have trouble with these instructions, or with configuring your product to meet SafeSend requirements, please contact Wolters Kluwer® support.

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