CCH Axcess™ Best Practices for Printing Organizers for Gather

This article contains information on print settings for CCH Axcess organizers for Gather. Follow these guidelines for an optimal experience. For information on how to prepare batch Gather requests, see Uploading Batch Gather Requests.

Engagement Letters

  • Include engagement letters in your CCH Axcess organizer so that they transfer into Gather. 

Print Options

Batch processing

  • To use batch processing, organizer filenames should be named by Name and ID:

    <YYYY><US><system letter> <Client Name> <Organizer> <Client ID> <V#>
    Example: (2015USI Smith, John Organizer ABC123 V1)



  • Do not customize the questionnaire. Use the default questionnaire in CCH Axcess™.

Social Security Numbers

  • We recommend suppressing social security numbers when outputting a CCH Axcess organizer.

CCH Axcess Reference Documents

The following documents contain additional information about CCH Axcess and are hosted in the CCH® Knowledge Base.


The content linked below is created and maintained by Wolters Kluwer®, makers of CCH Axcess. If you have trouble with these instructions, or with configuring your product to meet SafeSend requirements, please contact Wolters Kluwer® support.

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