If you or your taxpayer notices that check boxes or fillable text boxes are missing or misplaced, generally this indicates the print settings were altered, the organizer was edited, or the page in question is not recognized. This can also affect what items are generated in your Document Request List during processing.
Review the steps below to correct the issue.
Check Your Print Settings
CCH Axcess™ Best Practices for Printing Organizers for Gather
CCH® ProSystem fx® Best Practices for Printing Organizers for Gather
GoSystem Tax RS® Best Practices for Printing Organizers for Gather
UltraTax CS® Print Settings for Organizers and Engagement Letters for Gather
Lacerte® Print Settings for Organizers and Engagement Letters for Gather
Restore Defaults
Ensure that only default fonts and margins are being used. Any custom fonts or margins can cause misalignment.
Do not add borders to your organizer. UltraTax® questionnaires do have a border by default, which is fine.
Make sure the default questionnaire has not been edited. Questions cannot be added or removed; this causes the checkboxes to be misaligned.
If you would like to customize the questionnaire, please use the Custom Questions feature instead.
The page size should be 8.5 X 11. Any other size will cause misalignment.
See the following articles for more information about page size and alignment issues.
Recognized Forms
Only 1040 organizers are currently recognized.
Only tax year 2021 and later organizers are currently recognized, except CCH® organizers which also include the tax year 2020.
Most organizer forms should be recognized and have fillable boxes. Notable exceptions include:
- Due Diligence forms.
- Custom forms.
- Condensed organizers for Lacerte®.
- Summary organizer for GoSystem®.
Contact Support
If the steps above have been completed, and the fillable fields are still misplaced, please report the issue to our Support team for review. You can use the Report a Problem function in Gather, or contact us via phone or email.
- support@safesend.com
- 855-818-3552
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