Downloading Multiple Files at Once

Gather allows users to download multiple files (individual or batches) via a global Download button available at the top of the Delivered and Archived reporting sections.


Gather can only perform a global download on requests whose files are in the following statuses:

  • Engagement letters: Partially Signed, E-Signed, Downloaded, or Manually Completed
  • Organizers: Partially Completed, Completed, Downloaded, or Manually Signed
  • Source Documents: Uploaded, Finished, or Downloaded

If Gather requests are downloaded with files in other statuses, an error appears.

 Download Documents

  1. Check the box to the left of one or more client names.
  2. Click Download to download signed documents, the completed organizer, and uploaded source documents. 

Download Behavior

Files are downloaded into a .ZIP file. Depending on your My Settings selections, the documents are either downloaded to your PC or to the My Downloads folder in your profile menu. Clicking the global download button performs one of the following actions:

When one Gather request is selected: Gather immediately downloads the documents to the user's computer.
When multiple Gather requests are selected: Gather uses the setting specified in the user's Default Download Options. See the article Default Download Options for Gather Requests for more information.

Downloaded File Names

When the global Download button is used, files are named according to the rules below:

When a single Gather request is selected:

A zip file is created with the name <Client ID>_<Tax Year> The zip file contains the following items:

  • Organizer PDF
  • (Optional) Engagement letter
  • (Optional) Source documents folder
When multiple Gather requests are selected:

A zip file is created with the name download_<MM_DD_YYYY>.zip. The zip file contains the following items:

  • Folders for each organizer with the name <Client ID>_<Tax Year>_Gather_Documents

Each folder contains the following items:

  • Organizer PDF
  • (Optional) Engagement letter
  • (Optional) Source documents folder
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